maker´s dress front side and back side with unicorn postit

Maker´s dress /2023

Can clothes be bridges between different eras of one´s life?Yes, they definitely can. They can be transformed and adapted to the new life situation and still carry the (hopefully good) memories of the past.

The maker´s dress is made of overalls worn by me only a few times in a play in 2003. Now, 20 years later I refashioned it into a work dress for my creative endeavors.

Play is definitely a part of work – and of my maker´s dress:

maker´s dress back side with unicorn postit
maker´s dress front side stitched details: play + make new friends

And I like running stitches and their endless possibilities:

running stitches on orange insert
patch "evolution" attached with running stitches
gehäkeltes Ukrainefähnchen mit Herz in einer Straße in Wien

freedom & peace /2022

Mini-flags for freedom & peace in Ukraine & everywhere.

Oder in den Worten meiner Yogalehrerin:
„Lass alle Wesen auf allen Planeten Liebe und Frieden erfahren.“ (May everyone everywhere be happy, feel compassion and be free.)

Painted, crocheted, embroidered, sewn. Size 7 x 15 cm.
Locations: viennese streets

Ukrainian flag with a crocheted heart and a stitched dove
Rückseite Ukraine-Fahne: origine inconnu

the Crow /2017

My first carving experiment: amulet made in a workshop of Ed E. Bryant, a canadian artist from the Tsimshian-tribe in the world museum Vienna

I had the choice between the four totem animals associated with a Tsimshian-clan: eagle, orca, crow and wolf.

amulet with crow-motif in the middle of the pattern and the paint